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GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 15


  • The researcher conducted a meticulous analysis of the data, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of accurate results.
  • The project manager's meticulous planning and scheduling ensured that the complex project was completed on time and within budget.


  • The conference featured a discourse on the challenges and opportunities of renewable energy technologies.
  • The town hall meeting provided an open platform for citizens to participate in a discourse about urban development.
  • The patient reported hallucinating vivid colors and strange shapes after taking a high dose of medication.
  • The artist's work was inspired by her experiences hallucinating during a period of extreme emotional stress.
  • The hiring manager needed to vet the resumes of all the applicants to ensure they met the job requirements before scheduling interviews.
  • The health agency is responsible for vetting pharmaceutical products to ensure their safety and effectiveness before they are approved for public use.
  • The heavy rain precluded us from having the outdoor picnic we had planned.
  • The confidentiality agreement precludes employees from discussing sensitive company information with outsiders.
  • The rescue workers performed an arduous search and rescue operation in challenging weather conditions.
  • The team endured an arduous training regimen to prepare for the intense competition.
  • The teacher commended the student for their exceptional performance on the challenging exam.
  • The customer service representative was commended for going above and beyond to assist a frustrated customer.
  • The leader's unwavering resolve inspired the team to push through setbacks and reach their objectives.
  • The soldier displayed unwavering courage and bravery on the battlefield, earning the respect of his comrades.
  • The judge took into consideration the extenuating circumstances that led the defendant to commit the crime.
  • The board of directors discussed the project delays and the extenuating factors that had an impact on the timeline.
  • The new software offers advanced features for power users. OTOH, it may be overwhelming for beginners who are just starting to learn.
  • The movie received mixed reviews from critics. Some praised the acting and plot, while OTOH, others criticized the pacing and character development.

GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 14

get to the bottom of

  • The research team is working tirelessly to get to the bottom of the complex scientific phenomenon that has baffled experts for years.
  • The lawyer was determined to get to the bottom of the convoluted legal case and find the evidence needed to prove their client's innocence.
drink the kool aid
  • The politician's supporters were accused of drinking the Kool-Aid, as they seemed to echo his every statement without considering alternative perspectives.
  • The company's employees seemed to have drunk the Kool-Aid, as they all enthusiastically embraced the new corporate philosophy without questioning its merits.
  • The CEO categorically denied any involvement in the financial scandal, asserting that the allegations were completely false.
  • She categorically stated that she would not tolerate any form of discrimination in her workplace, and she took immediate action to address any reported incidents.
  • Can you ELI5 the concept of blockchain and how it's used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin?
  • I'm having trouble understanding quantum mechanics. Can someone please ELI5 how it works?
steal someone's thunder
  • The new product launch was supposed to be a big reveal, but a competitor released a similar product just before, stealing the company's thunder.
  • I had been planning a surprise party for my friend, but someone accidentally spilled the beans and stole my thunder.
  • Effective communication skills are essential for establishing rapport and building lasting relationships in both personal and professional contexts.
  • The interviewer quickly established rapport with the job candidate, putting them at ease and encouraging open and honest discussion.
  • They started their business on a shoestring budget, working out of a small garage and using secondhand equipment.
  • The shoestring marketing campaign used social media and word-of-mouth to promote the event with very little spending on advertising.
  • The economist posited that changes in consumer behavior could explain the fluctuations in the stock market.
  • The author posited that human behavior is influenced by a combination of genetics and environmental factors.
delve into
  • The detective had to delve into the suspect's background to uncover any potential motives for the crime.
  • The workshop allowed participants to delve into the intricacies of coding and programming languages.
  • The professor was known for being outspoken about her views on social justice and equality, often engaging in public debates on these topics.
  • The athlete's outspoken condemnation of doping in sports brought attention to the need for stricter anti-doping measures.


GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 13

on the payroll

  • He was thrilled to finally be on the payroll of a major film studio, realizing his dream of working in the entertainment industry.
  • The new interns will be on the payroll starting next month.
garden leave
  • The executive was placed on garden leave as part of his severance package, allowing the company to protect its client relationships during the transition.
  • During his garden leave, he took the opportunity to travel and spend time with his family before starting his new job at a different company.
  • After the company announced its decision to downsize, they provided all affected employees with outplacement services to assist them in finding new job opportunities.
  • John appreciated the outplacement support he received, which helped him navigate the competitive job market and secure a new position within a few months.
read the room
  • The comedian quickly adjusted his routine based on the audience's reactions, demonstrating his ability to read the room and adapt his jokes to match the crowd's preferences.
  • As the negotiations were reaching a critical point, one of the negotiators carefully read the room to gauge the other party's willingness to compromise.
  • The professor's lecture was so succinct that it covered the entire topic in just twenty minutes, leaving the students with a clear understanding of the main concepts.
  • The job applicant's cover letter was refreshingly succinct, directly addressing her qualifications and explaining her interest in the position.
  • Despite the initial setback of a technical glitch, the team quickly resolved the issue and continued their research with renewed determination.
  • The sudden financial crisis was a major setback for the company, forcing them to reevaluate their expansion plans.
  • The company secured a lucrative contract with a major international client, which helped to strengthen its financial position.
  • The entrepreneur recognized that the tech industry was incredibly lucrative and decided to launch a startup specializing in artificial intelligence.
  • The effectiveness of the new teaching method was supported by both research findings and anecdotal evidence from teachers who had tried it in their classrooms.
  • The decision to make changes to the website design was driven by anecdotal feedback from a small group of users, rather than a comprehensive usability study.
  • Hey, I need to grab my charger from the other room. BRB!
  • BRB, need to switch to my laptop for a better connection.
  • The company's recent marketing campaign resulted in an uptick in website traffic and engagement.
  • There has been a noticeable uptick in job openings in the tech sector due to increased demand for skilled professionals.


GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 12


  • Proper ergonomics in the factory reduced worker fatigue and improved production efficiency.
  • The company invested in ergonomic keyboards and mice to help prevent wrist strain among its computer users.
  • The authenticity of the painting was dubious, as experts couldn't confirm its origin.
  • We received a dubious email asking for personal information, so we immediately deleted it.
  • I have to go now, but TTYL!
  • THX, TTYL.
  • The early versions of the software had only rudimentary functionality, but subsequent updates added more features.
  • The early stages of the research involved conducting rudimentary experiments to gather initial data.
over the moon
  • Getting the job offer was unexpected, and I'm still over the moon about it.
  • I'm over the moon that my favorite band is performing in town next week.
smoking gun
  • The deleted email turned out to be the smoking gun that exposed the politician's involvement in the scandal.
  • The expert analysis of the data was the smoking gun that debunked the conspiracy theory.
all the bells and whistles
  • The deluxe version of the software package includes all the bells and whistles you'll need for professional video editing.
  • The new smartphone model comes with all the bells and whistles, including a high-resolution camera and facial recognition technology.
right off the bat
  • The new employee impressed the team by contributing valuable ideas right off the bat.
  • I was able to navigate the new software interface right off the bat without any difficulty.
call out
  • She was called out for her disrespectful behavior towards her colleagues.
  • The journalist was praised for calling out the government's mishandling of the crisis.
  • Some companies offer the option to cash out unused PTO at the end of the year.
  • The company offers a competitive salary along with generous PTO benefits to attract and retain top talent.

GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 11


  • Without a quorum present, the club's members could only hold informal discussions and brainstorming sessions during the meeting.
  • We need to wait a few more minutes for additional members to arrive before we can begin the meeting; we're just one person short of reaching the quorum.
root for
  • I'll be rooting for our team in the championship game tonight.
  • She's been working so hard, and I'm really rooting for her to get that promotion.
  • PTAL at the new design mockups and let us know if any changes are needed.
  • The document has been proofread, but it would be great if you could PTAL one last time.
learn the ropes
  • It took me a few weeks to learn the ropes of my new job, but now I feel much more confident.
  • After a few months of training, the new recruits finally learned the ropes of emergency response procedures.
  • I'll prolly be at the party later tonight.
  • Haven't decided on my plans for the weekend yet, but prolly just relaxing.
  • His pedantic explanations during the lecture made the subject seem more complex than it actually was.
  • The forum discussion devolved into a pedantic argument over a single word choice, overshadowing the main topic of the debate.
keep the lights on
  • The nonprofit organization relies on donations to keep the lights on and continue their important work in the community.
  • The nonprofit organization relies on donations to keep the lights on and continue their important work in the community.
rabbit hole
  • Be careful when researching online; it's easy to fall down a rabbit hole and spend hours on a single topic.
  • I went down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories after watching a documentary on historical mysteries.
protected status
  • Employees are encouraged to report any instances of harassment or discrimination based on their protected status to the HR department.
  • The court ruled that the company's termination of the employee violated her protected status and awarded her damages.
water under the bridge
  • The mistakes we made early on in the project are now water under the bridge, and we've learned from them.
  • He apologized for his behavior, and I've decided to accept it as water under the bridge.


GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 10

 make the grade

  • The candidate's skills and experience were impressive enough to make the grade for the position
  • The restaurant had to maintain high-quality food and service to make the grade and earn positive reviews.
tune in
  • We invite everyone to tune in to our virtual event tomorrow and join the discussion.
  • Tune in to the speaker's words.
  • The team members fully understood their mandate and worked diligently to achieve their quarterly sales targets.
  • The team mandate provided the necessary guidance for the cross-functional team to collaborate effectively on the product development process.
  • The board of directors reached a unanimous decision to approve the new business proposal.
  • The jury's verdict was unanimous in finding the defendant guilty of the charges.
chime in
  • While the team was debating the marketing strategy, Mike chimed in with some data that supported his viewpoint.
  • When the topic of travel came up, Sarah couldn't resist chiming in with her recent vacation experience.
take a mental note
  • While listening to the lecture, Mary took a mental note of the professor's key points to review later.
  • During the meeting, John took a mental note of his colleague's suggestion as it might be helpful for the project.
compare apples and oranges
  • It's unfair to compare the two athletes' performances directly; they compete in different sports, and it's like comparing apples and oranges.
  • Comparing the cost of a smartphone to a bicycle is like comparing apples and oranges.
  • The sports team's camaraderie was evident both on and off the field, contributing to their success in the tournament.
  • During the military training, the soldiers formed a strong camaraderie.
shed some light on
  • The historian's research shed some light on the historical context of the ancient artifact.
  • Can anyone shed some light on why we have this config?
abide by
  • As a responsible citizen, it's essential to abide by the laws of the country.
  • All employees are expected to abide by the company's policies and procedures.

GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 9

 pulling teeth

  • Trying to schedule a meeting that works for everyone's busy calendars was like pulling teeth.
  • Getting the kids to clean up their room is always like pulling teeth.
  • In recent years, social media platforms have proliferated, connecting people across the globe.
  • Fake news has proliferated on the internet, causing confusion and misinformation.
spill the beans
  • The journalist's interview questions were so persistent that the politician eventually spilled the beans on the controversial decision.
  • I can't believe I spilled the beans about the new product launch before the official announcement!
signal boost
  • The event organizer asked us to signal boost the event details to increase attendance.
  • If you find this article helpful, please give it a signal boost so that others can benefit from it too.
due diligence
  • The project is complex, and we need to do our best due diligence to ensure we've considered all potential challenges.
  • We're hiring a new executive for the company, and the hiring committee is committed to doing their best due diligence on the candidates' qualifications and background.
  • The new software has a streamlined user interface, making it easier for customers to navigate and use.
  • With streamlined communication channels, the team was able to collaborate more effectively and make quicker decisions.
frown upon
  • In many cultures, excessive drinking is frowned upon, especially in formal or professional settings.
  • The teacher frowns upon cheating and has a strict policy against academic dishonesty.
hit the nail on the head
  • Her explanation about the project's challenges really hit the nail on the head.
  • You hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the company's financial issues.
be on it
  • I apologize for the inconvenience, and I'll be on it to find a solution.
  • No worries, I'm on it!
give (time) back
  • I'll give you 5 minutes back, so we can wrap up the meeting ahead of schedule.
  • Great job, everyone! I'll give you 15 minutes back as a little bonus for our productivity today.


ワルシャワ渡航記 Part40: プロジェクト移動


 SREとして働いていたときは愚痴ばっかり言っていたが、振り返ってみると色々な学びがあった。Big Techの巨大内部インフラについて(アプリがどうやってデプロイされるのか、モニタリングはどうやってされるのか、セキュリティはどうやって担保されているのか、などなど)IT業界の最先端のベストプラクティス的なものに触れることができた。


- 最近行ったタリンの旧市街地 -



GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 8

roll over
  • I wasn't able to complete all the tasks on my to-do list today, so I'll have to roll them over to tomorrow.
  • The team encountered a resource shortage, resulting in the need to roll over several critical tasks to the upcoming quarter.
  • Her living room was filled with so much clutter that it was difficult to find a place to sit.
  • The website design was cluttered with excessive banners, pop-ups, and ads, which made it difficult to navigate.
blood on the streets
  • The fierce competition between rival companies has intensified, resulting in fierce price wars and metaphorical blood on the streets.
  • The economic crisis led to layoffs, bankruptcies, and metaphorical blood on the streets as businesses struggled to survive.
  • The proliferation of social media platforms has revolutionized the way people communicate and share information.
  • Concerns about the proliferation of nuclear weapons have prompted international efforts to prevent their spread.
  • FTR, I want to clarify that I had no involvement in the decision-making process.
  • I want to provide, FTR, my side of the story to ensure accurate documentation.
  • Before assigning resources to the project, we need to assess the LOE for each task to ensure proper resource allocation.
  • The project sponsor requested a breakdown of the LOE for each milestone to understand the effort needed at different stages of the project.
get roped into 
  • She got roped into participating in the school play despite her lack of interest in acting.
  • He got roped into helping his neighbor move furniture even though he had other plans for the day.
be up for
  • Are you up for going to the movies tonight?
  • He's always up for a challenge.
snap out of
  • You need to snap out of your daydreaming and focus on your work.
  • After receiving some encouraging news, he snapped out of his negative mindset and regained his motivation.
cut it close
  • She cut it close with the deadline, submitting her project only minutes before it was due.
  • The team cut it close with the project delivery, wrapping up the final tasks in the final hours before the deadline.


GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 7

  • The company hired a new employee and assigned a mentor to onboard her.
  • The IT department onboarded the new software into the existing network.
  • I have gathered some pertinent data that will help us make an informed decision.
  • In the interview, he provided pertinent examples from his previous work experience.
on the front burner
  • Given the recent security breach, cybersecurity has been placed on the front burner for the organization.
  • With the deadline approaching, we need to put this project on the front burner and allocate more resources to it.
look over one's shoulder
  • Ever since the new manager started, we feel like we're constantly being looked over our shoulder.
  • I always get the sense that my colleagues are looking over my shoulder when I'm working on important tasks. 
a red herring
  • The error seems to be a red herring.
  • The exaggerated claims in the advertisement were nothing more than red herrings to distract consumers from the product's flaws.
make a dent in 
  • She has been working tirelessly to make a dent in the company's sales targets.
  • The new policies implemented by the government aim to make a dent in the unemployment rate.
  • ICYMI, there was a major announcement regarding our upcoming event.
  • ICYMI, the new episode of your favorite TV show is now available for streaming.
  • Perhaps this is WAI. 
  • The throttling is WAI. 
dark launch
  • The development team decided to conduct a dark launch of the new chat feature.
  • The social media platform introduced a dark launch for their updated privacy settings.
take the reins of
  • After the retirement of the CEO, she was chosen to take the reins of the company and lead it into the future.
  • It's time for us to take the reins of our own destiny and make the necessary changes.


ChatGPT 活用術 - 結婚式のスピーチ -


> 親友のタカシが結婚することになった。結婚式のスピーチを考えて。

 > 以下のエピソードをスピーチに盛り込んで。タカシは学生時代”リーダー”とか”王子”とか呼ばれていて男女からともに慕われていた。子供のときは秘密基地を作ってみんなで集まって遊んでいた。









> 内容は良いけど、600文字超えているので短くして。400文字以内にして。 







> 100点。ありがとう。



ワルシャワ渡航記 Part39: 逆脱出ゲーム





 自分の部屋に辿りつくまでに30分くらいかかった。Such is life.


ワルシャワ渡航記 Part38: レイオフがあった



 いちワーカーとしては最悪自分がレイオフされてもいいと考えていた。いくら景気が悪いといってもBig Techで働けるくらいのスキルがあれば、再就職に困ることはないだろう。いっそ無職になって2,3年遊んで暮らしてみるのもいいかもしれないし、起業にチャレンジするのもいいかもしれない。みんな悲観的になりすぎだろうと呑気に考えていた。




ワルシャワ渡航記 Part37: 給与更新


十分に期待通りの成果を出せた(本当か??)ということで、給料がいい感じに上がった。加えて追加のストックオプションも貰えたので、Total Compensastionで言うと50%くらい給料が上がったことになる。

なるほど、こうやってBig Techは優秀な人材を自社に引き留めるわけか。

- 冬休みに訪れたスイスのスキーリゾート -


GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 6

It's a shame

  • It's a shame you didn't come.
  • It's a shame you feel that way.

under the weather

  • My wife is under the weather today.
  • I'm feeling a bit under the weather.


  • The unit test is flaky.
  • Most people have at least one flaky friend.

in the loop

  • Include me in the loop!
  • I've been out of the loop for some reason.


  • Look at the system holistically.
  • I use an intuitive and holistic approach.


  • The group is not perpetual.
  • The software is provisioned with a perpetual license.


  • In today's installment, we'll explore our data stores.
  • Can I pay in installments?

  • Bespoke software is necessary.
  • The store is selling bespoke men's suits.
  • The problem has been aggravated.
  • The new rollout aggravates the situation.
  • You may have fat-fingered the email address.
  • It was just a fat-fingered mistake.