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GAFA Engineer's English Vocabulary List: Page 12


  • Proper ergonomics in the factory reduced worker fatigue and improved production efficiency.
  • The company invested in ergonomic keyboards and mice to help prevent wrist strain among its computer users.
  • The authenticity of the painting was dubious, as experts couldn't confirm its origin.
  • We received a dubious email asking for personal information, so we immediately deleted it.
  • I have to go now, but TTYL!
  • THX, TTYL.
  • The early versions of the software had only rudimentary functionality, but subsequent updates added more features.
  • The early stages of the research involved conducting rudimentary experiments to gather initial data.
over the moon
  • Getting the job offer was unexpected, and I'm still over the moon about it.
  • I'm over the moon that my favorite band is performing in town next week.
smoking gun
  • The deleted email turned out to be the smoking gun that exposed the politician's involvement in the scandal.
  • The expert analysis of the data was the smoking gun that debunked the conspiracy theory.
all the bells and whistles
  • The deluxe version of the software package includes all the bells and whistles you'll need for professional video editing.
  • The new smartphone model comes with all the bells and whistles, including a high-resolution camera and facial recognition technology.
right off the bat
  • The new employee impressed the team by contributing valuable ideas right off the bat.
  • I was able to navigate the new software interface right off the bat without any difficulty.
call out
  • She was called out for her disrespectful behavior towards her colleagues.
  • The journalist was praised for calling out the government's mishandling of the crisis.
  • Some companies offer the option to cash out unused PTO at the end of the year.
  • The company offers a competitive salary along with generous PTO benefits to attract and retain top talent.

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